In addition, this tool can download iCloud backups, sync data with or without an Apple ID password or get data from Microsoft accounts. Metasploit is an open-source project for pen-testing. It’s one of the most popular hacking tools available today. File size: 6.60 MB. SQL map is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a powerful detection engine, many nice features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database.
Today we will talk about how to hack VNC with Metasploit. VNC is a popular tool that lets you remotely control a computer, much like RDP. Many companies use VNC as a tool to remotely access their computers and many times they even leave the access open without any password protection.
Hacking Tools
winAUTOPWN v3.0 Released – System vulnerability exploitation FrameworkWINAUTOPWN ACTIVE SYSTEMS TRANSGRESSOR GUI [ C4 – WAST ] is a Systems and Network Exploitation Framework built on the famous winAUTOPWN as a backend. C4 – WAST gives users the freedom to select individual exploits and use them. BSDAUTOPWN has been compiled, like always for various flavours and has been upgraded to version 1.8 alongwith all applicable exploits WINAUTOPWN requires PERL,PHP,PYTHON,RUBY and its dependencies alongwith a few others’ too for smooth working of exploits included in it. The Mole: Automatic SQL Injection Exploitation Tool Mole is an automatic SQL Injection exploitation tool. Only by providing a vulnerable URL and a valid string on the site it can detect the injection and exploit it, either by using the union technique or a Boolean query based technique. The Mole uses a command based interface, allowing the user to indicate the action he wants to perform easily. Sqlninja 0.2.6 Features: >> Fingerprint of the remote SQL Server (version, user performing the queries, user privileges, xp_cmdshell availability, DB authentication mode) >> Bruteforce of ‘sa’ password (in 2 flavors: dictionary-based and incremental). >> Creation of a custom xp_cmdshell if the original one has been removed >> Upload of netcat (or any other executable) using only normal HTTP requests (no FTP/TFTP needed). >> TCP/UDP portscan from the target SQL Server to the attacking machine, in order to find a port that is allowed by the firewall of the target network and use it for a reverse shell. >> Direct and reverse bindshell, both TCP and UDP >> ICMP-tunneled shell, when no TCP/UDP ports are available for a direct/reverse shell but the DB can ping your box. >> DNS-tunneled pseudo-shell, when no TCP/UDP ports are available for a direct/reverse shell, but the DB server can resolve external hostnames (check the documentation for details about how this works). >> Evasion techniques to confuse a few IDS/IPS/WAF. >> Integration with Metasploit3, to obtain a graphical access to the remote DB server through a VNC server injection. Download HexorBase – The DataBase Hacker Tool To Audit Management and Multiple Databases HexorBase is a database application designed for management and audit multiple database servers simultaneously from a single location, is able to perform SQL queries and brute force attacks against servers common database ( MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft Video: HexorBase runs on Linux and presumably Windows, and requires:
Project website and download HexorBase: Net Tools 5.0 (Net Tools 5.x) This tools is a hacker friendly. Net Tools is a comprehensive set of host monitoring, network scanning, security, administration tools and much more, all with a highly intuitive user interface. It’s an ideal tool for those who work in the network security, administration, training, internet forensics or law enforcement internet crimes fields. Net Tools is mainly written in Microsoft Visual Basic 6, Visual C++, Visual C# and Visual Studio .NET. | Intercepter Sniffer Intercepter is a sniffer tool which offers various capabilities including sniffing for password hashes related to ICQ/IRC/AIM/FTP/IMAP/POP3/SMTP/LDAP/BNC/SOCKS/HTTP/ WWW/NNTP/CVS/TELNET/MRA/DC++/VNC/MYSQL and ORACLE. It also sniffs ICQ/ AIM/JABBER/YAHOO/MSN/GADU-GADU/IRC and MRA protocols. It has a built-in arp poisoning module, can change MAC addresses of LAN adapters, and has various other interesting functionality. Download Havij v1.15 Advanced SQL Injection Download
Ani-Shell is a simple PHP shell with some unique features like Mass Mailer , A simple Web-Server Fuzzer , DDoser, Back Connect , Bind Shell etc etc ! This shell has immense capabilities and have been written with some coding standards in mind for better editing and customization. Default Login Latest Version Addition Download
Sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a kick-ass detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections. Its a good tools for find Sql Vulnerability. New Features/Changes–> Rewritten SQL injection detection engine (Bernardo and Miroslav). DRIL – Domain Reverse IP Lookup Tool: DRIL (Domain Reverse IP Lookup) Tool is a Reverse Domain Tool that will really be useful for penetration testers to find out the domain names which are listed in the the target host, DRIL is a GUI, JAVA based application which uses a Bing API key. DRIL has a simple user friendly interface which will be helpful for penetration tester to do their work fast without a mess, this is only tested on Linux but as it is JAVA it should work on Windows too. whitten by abdifitaahhareed |
For security researcher or ethical hackers almost prefer to use Linux .In Linux is the home of the Ethical hackers.whenever they would do ethical hacking they will most probably go for the Linux instead of windows.Now FireEye company of security experts has developed new tool.The tool is name by Commando Vm.
Commando vm will provide the environment for the ethical hackers or pentester on the windows machine. Commando Vm uses boxstarter , chocolatey , Myget packages to install software.It provides many tools and utilities to support the ethical hacking or pentesting.
In the Commando vm there are more 140 tools which include some the famous tools
- Nmap
- Hashcat
- minizkatz
- sysinternals
- go
How to install commando Vm?
we would start with the requirement of the commando Vm
2 Gb ram
6 Gb hard disk.
First you have to configure the virtual machine .make sure it is updated completely.
Download and copy install.ps1 on your newly configured machine.
Open Power Shell as an Administrator on your machine.
Enabling the script execution by this commands.
Finally, execute the installer script
that’s it ,rest of the task will be handled will be asked for password of the administration during the installation.If you haven’t setup password the you can simply press enter.Installation might take longer time depending upon your internet speed.
Number of ethical hacking tools installed in the commando vm
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- Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT)
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- Java
- Python 2
- Python 3 (default)
- Visual Studio 2017
- Build Tools (Windows 10)
- Visual Studio Code
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- PowerPriv
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- impacket-examples-windows
- vssown
- ADACLScanner
- ADExplorer
- ADOffline
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- BloodHound
- Get-ReconInfo
- GoWitness
- Nmap
- PowerView
- Dev branch included
- SharpHound
- SharpView
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- VNC-Viewer
- WinSCP
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- Wireshark
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- CredNinja
- DSInternals
- Get-LAPSPasswords
- Hashcat Internal-Monologue
- Inveigh Invoke-TheHash
- KeeFarce
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