How To Download Texture Hacks For Mario Kart Wii Free
A Texture Hack is a Mario Kart Wii track or model in which the textures have been changed, but the model and layout of the track remain the same. People who are learning how to make custom tracks sometimes make texture hacks first, since they are much simpler to create. Some tracks have changes made to both the textures and objects, changing gameplay, but the model still remains the same.
How To Download Texture Hacks For Mario Kart Wii U
Please note that this guide is designed for Linux. You can still do this on Windows but you need to change the path to directories accordingly.
Guide assumes a GCT file has already been made. Guide also assumes you are somewhat familiar with WIT & SZS Tools. This also works for WBFS files.
1. Make a copy of your ISO, rename it whatever helps you know its a copy ready for editing.
2. Open a terminal & cd to the location of your copied ISO
3. wit extract ExampleTest.iso /home/yourusername/Test (do not create Test folder beforehand or else WIT will show an error, the wit command will create the folder for you)
4. Main.dol is located in /home/yourusername/Test/DATA/sys/main.dol (you will not have a DATA folder if your ISO/WBFS is fully scrubbed)
5. Take your gct file and place it in the /sys directory alongside the main.dol
6. cd /home/yourusername/Test/DATA/sys
7. wstrt analyze main.dol
8. No patches should be present, original version of main.dol should be found
9. wstrt patch main.dol --add-section nameofgctfile.gct
10. wstrt analyze main.dol
11. Three items should be listed - VBI Hook address, Section T1 modified, and Additional section T2
12. Move the gct file out of the /sys directory and back to wherever you had it before
13. cd /home/yourusername
14. wit copy ./Test /home/yourusername/ExampleDone.iso
15. add ISO to USB, congratz
-Ocarina must be OFF or GCT file will not work
-Having a separate standard GCT file in your codes folder while ocarina is ON will also render the GCT file within the main.dol useless.